Pinhole Pipe Leak
A pinhole pipe leak is a minuscule leak in a copper pipe, small enough to be comparable to the size of a pinhole. These leaks can appear anywhere in your home’s plumbing system and might manifest as solitary leaks, in groups, or spread along a section of piping.
Causes of Pinhole Leaks
Several factors can lead to the development of pinhole leaks in copper pipes, and often, it’s a combination of issues that result in these leaks.
- Erosion due to elevated chlorine levels in the water supply
- Rust formation in the water heater
- An imbalance in water pH levels, indicating either too much acidity or alkalinity
- Presence of bacteria in the water or surrounding soil, leading to microbial corrosion

Slab Leaks
A slab leak is a type of plumbing leak that happens beneath the concrete foundation of a house. While some slab leaks begin as pinhole leaks in copper plumbing, not all pinhole leaks escalate to slab leaks, and vice versa. A slab leak might also stem from a pipe that’s either cracked or entirely broken.
Causes of Slab Leaks
Slab leaks can arise from a variety of issues, which might include:
- Faulty installation practices
- Earth movements that lead to cracked slabs
- Pipe corrosion
- Friction and wear from pipes rubbing against concrete, gravel, or other materials
Remediation for Slab Leaks
In cases where a slab leak is detected, the solution often involves rerouting the plumbing. New pipes are installed through the ceilings, attics, and walls of the home, effectively avoiding the need to deal with leaks under the slab in the future. This approach ensures homeowners can have peace of mind without worrying about future slab leaks.